Our Goals:
Breaking Down Barriers
Yoga Balance's primary goal is to introduce yoga to people who are unfamiliar or uncomfortable with the traditional yoga studio atmosphere. By bringing yoga out of the studio and into the real world, we can share the stress-relieving, balance and strength improving, and muscle tightness minimizing benefits of yoga with the masses.
Yoga for All
Secondarily, Yoga Balance strives to make yoga approachable and accessible to all. We truly believe that yoga is right for everyone. Whether you experience neck or back stiffness, have a high stress job or are just looking for something new to add to your routine – our classes are the answer. And just imagine, we come to you!
Our Mission:
Sense of Community
Yoga Balance connects yoga teachers with individual private clients and business owners to offer custom tailored yoga classes. Our classes are sequenced specifically for our clients and aim to reduce stress, increase focus, and boost productivity. Whether today will be your first class or millionth, our experienced, professional yoga instructors will build classes to meet your specific needs and goals.
Spacious, Joyful, More Comfortable Living
While each class is crafted with our specific client's needs and goals in mind, all classes are aimed at creating more space, joy and comfort in the lives of our students. These tailor-made classes originate from the idea that joy comes from within and aim to help our clients tap into their own internal source of peace.
We also know that as we age, we all experience aches, pains, injuries and issues. These custom classes are designed to respond to our students’ unqiue needs. We do this by teaching from the perspective of our bodies being our original and most important home - therefor taking care of the body is of utmost importance. By addressing these issues throughout the practice, we aim to offer more comfort in the lives of our students.
Healthier Workplace
With our corporate clients, we see the relationship with Yoga Balance as being mutually beneficial. Business owners offer their employees a unique service that improves employees’ overall health and wellbeing. In exchange, a healthier, more productive employee is part of your fast paced workplace.